
'Little Women: Atlanta' star Ms. Minnie dies after car crash

Reality television star Ashley Ross, known as Ms. Minnie on Lifetime' s "Little  Women: Atlanta," died Monday from injuries sustained in a car accident, her publicist Liz Dixson told CNN. Ross was involved in an accident in Atlanta around 11 p.m. Sunday and died nearly 24 hours later at Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta, Dixson said. She was 34 years old. Ross is survived by her mother, grandmother, aunt, uncle and other family members, according to Dixson. "Ashley was a sweet and kind person with a big heart. She was an advocate for St. Jude and young women," Dixson said. "She will be remembered for her contagious smile." Dixson also shared a statement on the star's Instagram page. "It is with profound sadness that we confirm on behalf of the family of Ashley Ross aka 'Ms Minnie' of Little Women Atlanta has succumbed to injuries from a tragic hit and run car accident today at the age of 34," the st...

Travis Scott’s first Fortnite concert was surreal and spectacular

If there’s one thing you can say about  Fortnite ’s live events, it’s that they keep getting more ambitious. From the original rocket launch to the mech vs. kaiju battle to the black hole that wiped out an entire island, each new event is more elaborate than the last. Now we can say the same is true of the concerts. Last year’s Marshmello show was an exciting, dynamic example of what a virtual concert could look like. This week’s Travis Scott performance blew it out of the water. Epic had been setting the stage for the concert since last weekend — literally. Over the last few days players could see a stage being constructed at the Sweaty Sands beach, and it grew more complete as the days passed. There was a black stage on top of the water, and multiple gold, inflatable Travis Scott heads around it. As with past events, the pre-show was a bloodbath, with players killing each other to kill some time. (Thankfully, respawns were in ...

Dulig fordert Nachbesserungen bei Kurzarbeitergeld

Dulig fordert Nachbesserungen bei Kurzarbeitergeld Für Sachsens Wirtschaftsminister Martin Dulig greifen die von der großen Koalition beschlossenen Verbesserungen beim Kurzarbeitergeld zu kurz - vor allem mit Blick auf Ostdeutschland. "Da müssen wir nachbessern", forderte der SPD-Politiker am Donnerstag. Dulig verwies auf die besondere Situation im Osten mit geringeren Löhnen und weniger tarifgebundenen Unternehmen. In Sachsen gebe es zudem bundesweit den größten Anteil von Menschen, die Mindestlohn beziehen. 85 Prozent der Kurzarbeitergeld-Bezieher liegen unterhalb des Lohndurchschnitts. Deswegen sei eine schnelle Anhebung des Kurzarbeitergeldes nötig, sagte Dulig. "Wir brauchen jetzt eine Regelung und nicht erst in vier oder sieben Monaten." Die Spitzen der großen Koalition hatten sich in der Nacht zum Donnerstag auf ein höheres Kurzarbeitergeld verständigt. Das Paket sieht vor, dass betroffene Arbeitnehmer vom 1. Mai bis zum ...